Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Essay on dropping out of high school when 16.

When it comes to determining whether sixteen year olds should be allowed to drop out of high school, there are many factors one should take into consideration. One has to consider why the child is dropping out of high school at that young of an age, what the child is going through, and is the work too hard for the child to understand. The reason as to why the child drops out of high school doesn't really matter, the child should not be allowed to drop out of high school at the age of sixteen. There is help everywhere around, one just has to take advantage of it. A sixteen year old should not be allowed to drop out of high school at the age of sixteen because it will negatively affect them in so many different ways. Fewer job opportunities, poverty, unemployment, and an inability to advance are things that the child faces if they drop out of high school at the age of sixteen.
            Teens that drop out of high school are more likely to have fewer job opportunities. In regards to the disadvantages of dropping out of high school, Barbie Carpenter remarks that “most entry level jobs require at least a high school diploma, if not a college degree”.2 Students that do not graduate from high school, will have fewer job opportunities because most jobs require a high school diploma. Jobs are looking for those with high school diplomas because that states that they have conquered the basic math, reading, and concepts needed to start at a job. Although just a high school diploma will not get you very far, although it's a start.
            A teen with no high school diploma in this society will not survive financially. When discussing sixteen is too young to quit school in the new economy, Beth Nakamura asserts, “to reduce unemployment, social problems, and poverty, more people need more schooling”.5 Poverty is something that the teen will face if a high school diploma or college degree is not obtained. In order for one to make it in the today’s society, money is something needed. A sixteen year old who grows up with no sort of degree will risk not ever having a job. No job soon leads to poverty and other social problems. This includes not being able to buy food, house, clothes, basically the main things needed to survive. This is no life a teen growing as an adult would want to live. A high school diploma is very important. It's a start to help one get on their feet and get a job. This is why teachers, parents, and adults press children to at least finish high school if they don't do anything else because they know what the child would face if a high school diploma is not attained.
            The rate of high school dropout varies and changes each year. In regards to, high school dropout rates, the author remarks that, “The percentages of male dropouts are higher than females”.3 Primary reason is because males are more likely to get caught up in the streets or other activities that would prohibit them from finishing high school. Females are more dominant in the society that we live in today. More of the males in today’s society are getting caught up in unnecessary things and activities outside of school which causes them to not be as successful as they should be. Society needs more males who are dominant so that they could lead the upcoming generation and show other males how to do right in life and be successful.
    Sixteen year old who drop out of high school have an inability to advance in the workforce and economy. When discussing what parents do to stop high school dropouts, Maggie McCormick asserts that, “Dropping out of high school is likely to decrease one’s jobs prospects and earning potential throughout their life”.4 If a child drops out of high school and gets a job at a local McDonald's that pays minimum wage, the child doesn't have any other option but to work their because they have not graduated from high school yet. Jobs like McDonald's allow students who are still in high school to work their so a student who drops out of high school can get by. The chances of a sixteen year old who drops out of high school chances are short of being able to work at a high level, or good paying job. Those types of jobs require a high school diploma or college degree. That teen will not be able to advance unless they go back for more schooling to earn a high school diploma or college degree. There are also other options to get schooling other than a public or local school. Parents can think of alternative schools or homeschooling. There are more options but the parent and child have to be willing to take such steps to ensure that a high school diploma is obtained. This society needs more successful women and men. It benefits the economy and themselves.
Many may say that there is nothing wrong with dropping out of high school at the age of sixteen. When discussing is dropping out of high school as bad as society says it is, Hunter Bliss asserts that “school is a place where you are taught what “box” to think in, and it is very obvious that it doesn't work for majority of the students”.1 While disagreeing, students are only taught the basic math and reading skills in high school to prepare them for the real world and college. All students do not think inside of a box but also thinks outside of the box because that’s what makes them different and unique. It also gives the students the ability to advance because they are not just thinking inside of the box but thinking of other ways to solve problems or work around certain situations. This allows the child or student to advance more in life because they are not just thinking inside of the box.
Teens that dropout of high school will face many difficulties in life such as unemployment, poverty, and failure to advance. Although these are just a few difficulties they will face, they will also be affected in the long run. A high school diploma doesn't take one far, but it gives them a jump start in the job industry. Teens must stay in high school and obtain at least a high school diploma in order to get a job and succeed as a teenager in society. Obtaining a high school diploma gives one the ability to apply for those minimum wage jobs and apply for things like housing. It is not hard to stay in school and graduate with a school diploma but one must be determined, encouraged and devoted.   


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