Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I really love my life and where God is taking me. I have been going to church lately, being more into God than anything. He just continues to bless me and my family. Grades are looking good, my health is better than it was before, and my life is going great! Now at my church, I step and dance. Because basketball season is over, I have time to do other things, such as get and job and work.

The basketball season was okay but, we could have did much better than we did this year. This year wasn't just our season. We`welcomed new team members and we made a bond no one could explain. Of course we had our arguments an fights but, sometimes those things need to take place and it only makes us stronger. Our team wasn't the bests but, we gave this season our all. We started out with 13 players and ended up with only 7. This year has been a very tough one for us but, we hung in there until the end of the season. For the ones who stuck in their this season, I acknowledge them because it wasn't easy and it took up most of our time. I just want to thank everyone along with myself for giving this season all that we could and stayed true to the game.

I can say the hardest part with player sports is trying to keep your grades up as well. There will be nights when we on't leave the gym for practice until about 8-9 o'clock and I'll get home around 9-10, leaving me a little bit of time to do my homework. When I come home I be tired an ready to go to bed. The last thing that be on my mind is homework. Somehow I maintained a GPA of a 3.0-3.5 while playing basketball because I received an award at the honors assembly in February. I was so proud of myself because I didn't know that I had worked that hard. I guess hard work do pays off. Now that basketball season is over, I can truly and fully dedicate ,myself to my work. I will continue to get good grades, along with awards to acknowledge them.

Like I said before, I am happy where I am in my life. God has brought me from a mighty long way and I thank him everyday for that. When God does great things for you in your life, you can't help but to tell the world. I love my life, GOD, and my family. Without the love from them, I don't where I would be.

Political Cartoons

Cartoon #1
This cartoon is about President Obama and the things he said or will change while being president. However, those things are not being accomplished and are still problems in our country. I figured this because the mountains that are melting signifies how something has failed or is no longer building or growing. So, therefore the titles on the mountain are the things that are not longer progressing or needs growing upon. If it is confusing to someone, resources one can use is look at what Obama has done so far. Or, one could just look at the picture and use context clues. For example, a mountain that is melting and is being separated from each other, that means it is being destroyed.

The people that re represented in this cartoon are Obama and his followers. I know this because on one of the melting  mountains, Obama name is on it which signifies majority of the things in this cartoon describes or talks about him. I don't think that there is any sides in this cartoon. This cartoon talks about Obama and the things he either failed to do while president or the areas that he is slacking in for improvement.

The intention behind this cartoon is to inform the people of the things that are going wrong in our country that Obama promised will be right by the time he becomes President Obama.  The cartoonist does raises a good pointy and argument. If Obama is leading the people and making decisions for the people, then we need to know what's going on as well. I believe they are creating some sort of bias against President Obama because in the cartoon it clearly shows the different areas in our society that is not improving or failing. Those areas, President Obama is responsible for. Because he is president. it shows a lack of commitment on his behalf.

I believe that this cartoon does pass the test of propaganda.  This cartoon changed the way I think of Obama and his techniques on how he is improving the economy. Before seeing this cartoon, I believed that Obama was in a great position with improving the economy. The cartoon shows differently. I still believe that Obama is doing good with the decisions he make for our country but the cartoon made me a little skeptical.

The questions that I have about this cartoon is what are they specifically saying about the cartoon? Are they trying to bad talk Obama or just informing him about the things he need to do?

This cartoon is about a little girl who is apparently shy or maybe just started a new school and is not very comfortable around some of the people.  The teacher is trying to get her to talk to other classmates because everyone cannot read her mind. I know this because in the cartoon the teacher is basically telling her to tell everyone what she did over the summer because everyone doesn't follow her on twitter. If the cartoon is confusing to same people then they may want to use context clues int he picture like what's in the classroom or how the student facial expressions are.

The sides and positions represented in this cartoon is a teacher, and shy/non-talking students and those who are listening/audience. The teachers are those who try to push and persuade the students and be engaged in class activities. The shy/non-talking student is the one who rarely talks, and just sit in class without saying anything. The ones that are engaged, are usually the ones who is quick to raise their hand in class, or  a teacher's helper. The shy/non-talking students seem to be looked down upon because they rarely talk. In the cartoon, you can see that the teacher is a little annoyed by the fact that she has to tell her to talk. The shy/non-talking students doesn't have many friends or people to talk, so they don't seem any better than anyone else.

The intention behind this cartoon is to inform those kids that don't really talk in class or are shy, to don't be. The cartoonist does make a valid point  about those kids or students who are shy and don't really talk much. There will be times when you have to interact with others and be actively engaged in certain activities. I don't think that the cartoon is creating any type of bias. I think it is just showing or persuading other students to talk so they won't have to go through the things that the student in the cartoon did.

I strongly believe that cartoon passed the test of propaganda. If I were a student who did not really talk in class, or was shy this cartoon would really change my mind about speaking up in class and being engaged. This cartoon would make me want to believe that I have a voice too, and whatever I say, I will not be judged on it.

The questions that this cartoon raises is how can teachers and students make it so that those shy students talk and be actively engaged in class?

 This cartoon is about one person who want to make the election about Romney and one person who want to make the election about Obama. There is this one random person who just want the election to be over. That person may be someone who is  not an actively engaged citizen and is mad because the other two is taking a little serious. I can tell because of the facial expressions in the cartoon characters face. If one may be confused about what the cartoon means, all they have to do look at the characters faces, and body language.

The sides that are represented in this cartoon is someone who supports democrats, and someone who supports republicans. There is also that person who really doesn't care. In this cartoon there is no one side that is made to look better than the other. I can tell because there is one person for each side, so it is equal.

The intention behind this cartoon is to get people to vote or have some sort of care for the election because it is very important. The cartoonist does have a point in this cartoon because everyone should care about the election. We are the ones who is being controlled or lead by the person we elect, so we should have a say so, and make wise decisions in who we elect. I don't believe that this cartoon creates any bias because there is no one who is no making an argument or mean statement. This cartoon is about opinions.

This cartoon somewhat passes the propaganda test because it is mostly opinions. There are no facts, or statements that could be backed up.

The question that this cartoon raises is what is it's real meaning of the cartoon?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Prank Gone Wrong

February 17, 2014 in Little Rock Arkansas, a young teen was shot and killed by a man in blind rage. It all started when someone pranked her and a couple of her friends on Halloween. They only wanted  retaliation but didn't mean any harm to anyone or anything they were doing. None of the teenagers knew what was going to happen and how it was going to end up because it was just a silly prank. The 48 year old man name Willie Noble came out of the house as the teens were leaving and fired at the car, shooting Adrian Broadway in the head, killing her. People ask did he really have to come out and fire at the kids? What about talking to them? He did not have to fire at a car full of teens.

We all need to start saying no to guns. Now, guns is a new form of protecting yourself for invalid reasons. Guns are supposed to be used for war and nobody in our country is actually living in a physical war. Guns are easy accessible, so people think that they could just go get one and use it without having any consequences for the action they took. Guns now days are being used carelessly and violently and is hurting the human population. In today's society, there are more young teens dying because of the use of guns. People only USE them becasue they figure that there is no other option. The crazy part about it is that there are other options. Just because you own a gun, that does not mean that you can use it for all the wrong reasons. 



On February 21, 2014 in Miami, there was a 5 month year old baby who stopped breathing while him and his aunt were stuck in traffic. The baby started crying because the car stopped moving and that's most case scenarios for most babies. The aunt reported that the baby was already sick and congested so when he got quiet, the aunt got worried, stopped the car, jumped out and found out that the baby was not breathing. The aunt did not know what to do, so she started to do CPR on the child. Another woman was driving past the vehicle seen and heard her screaming for help so she pulled over to see what the problem was. When she pulled over and asked what was going on, the baby aunt said that the child had stop breathing. The woman who pulled over started to do CPR. It's different for adults and children so when she did it the correct way, the baby started to breathe again. They kept the baby breathing until the ambulance arrived. The baby stayed alive and breathing while on the way to the hospital. Now the baby is in good condition.


Usually you don't find many stories like this with good Samaritans helping out those who are in need.  That lady didn't have to stop and help save the baby. But, there are still good people in this world. One may ask where they are? They are out there! What that lady did was brave. Another key thing that play a factor in  this is the speed and pace at which the ambulance responded. In other countries it's wait to to arrive to a destination is 15-20 minutes. In Miami, the wait time has to be less because the baby stayed breathing until they arrived. I know the wait time wasn't anything more because a baby who stops breathing cannot just stay breathing off of CPR for more than 10-15 minutes. It's good to know that they will be at your rescue quick fast and a hurry.

When I heard about this story, I was happy and interested in how the baby actually stayed alive. If I was in that situation, I wouldn't have known what to do. First you have to keep yourself together and not freak out because that would only make things worse. Secondly you have to ask for help. Lastly, do everything in your power to help. Sometimes when you are not together or freak out, you can't focus or think. That is why it is best to calm down and take caution into what is going on. I am happy that they were able to get a 5 month year old baby to stay alive and keep breathing.

Shooting in Florida

In November of 2013, in Jacksonville Florida teenager Jordan Davis was shot and killed by a while male name Michael Dunn. Jordan Davis Here, you could take a look at the story. Michael Dunn said that he was justified for shooting the teens. Jordan Davis and his friends stopped to get a drink and some snacks. Their music was playing, and to Michael Dunn it was too loud. More specifically, it wasn't his taste of music which made him more upset. As all the teenagers get back into the car, Michael Dunn wants them to turn down their music. This is a free country and music is allowed to be played. Michael Dunn was mad because they did not turn down the music so he opened fired at the car that the teenagers were in. He shot 6 times and 2 of those bullets hit Jordan Davis.

What happened here should have never happened. Just because you are upset, that doesn't give you any reason to shoot up a car full of teens. Or if you don't like what they are listening to still doesn't give you a reason. I think that some people in this world and sick and crazy. Him or anyone else cannot justify what he's done. That was cruel and selfish. Now Michael Dunn now tries to use the Stand Your Ground Law which basically states A Stand-Your-Ground law is type of self-defense law that gives individuals the right to use deadly force to defend themselves without any requirement to evade or retreat from a dangerous situation. 
In this case he did not have a valid reason for shooting those teens. 
I don't see how anyone would back him up in what he did. If I was the judge he would be put in jail for several years or maybe life, because you cannot take your anger out on someone else, on top of that, using a gun as well. 

If I was a family member of Jordan's, I will not let this slide. The whole situation happened because Michael Dunn was not pleased with the type of music the teens were playing  or the volume it was being played at. I don't care how many times it would take to get him jail, I would do what I have to do. The killing of Jordan Davis  was unnecessary and unjustified. 
LET'S DO IT!!!!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Free Write.

I want to talk my about Quarter 2. Quarter 2 wasn't easy of course especially finals, but I still maintained decent grades.
Here you can take a look at my grades. 
I am proud of myself that I was able to maintain A's and B's. As you can see, the only class I struggle with is Pre-Calculus (H). I try my hardest in that class. I just cannot grasp those concepts. In Ms. Nguyen, I failed her quizzes, tests, and final exam. Honestly, I can do better, it just takes time. As for my other classes, I am happy that I passed. This quarter, I was able to get honor roll again. Quarter 1, I received honor roll as well. AP-English can be a challenge as well but, I am still able to pass the class. 

For Quarter 3, I have many goals I will accomplish. I want to receive at least a B or HIGHER in Pre-Calculus (H). I want to start passing the tests and quizzes that given. To do this I have to tend office hours daily. Basketball season has been in the way of my studies, especially for Pre-Calculus. It's like if I don't have a game, I'm in practice for hours. But, basketball season is about to end and I can really dedicate most of my time in Ms. Nguyen class because I am mainly concerned about her class. Another one of my goals is to continue to arrive early/on time for school so that I won't miss any assignments. To set goals means is very important for me because it helps me stay focused and on top of my stuff.

I honestly, and truly believe that I could do better my third quarter and I will. There is no doubt in my mind that I can't. I also won't let no one or nothing get in the way of me succeeding. I am going to walk across that stage in June, and receive my diploma. That is my biggest goal. But, in order to get there, I have to set mini goals to work my way up to that point. I will not stress myself out, or get overwhelmed with things that I can't control. Third quarter is like wiping your slate clean and starting over, and that's what I am going to do. 

MY GOAL.....


No Pants Day

Fox 5 news reported an activity taken place all across the country called No Pants Day. People actually walk around in metro with no pants. This idea is kind of crazy but some see it as funny. This idea originated from New York in 2002. This event was an annual January event when people meet at a certain metro spot and ride the train with no pants. As years went on, more and more people started to ride the metro with no pants, and this is when it got around the country. Now people in Washington DC and all over the country are doing it. Fox 5 News warned people to watch out for them.

I think this idea is kind of crazy and unsafe but, hey people like to have fun. Glad to say that it is just one Sunday of the month of January. I hope people don't start to make this a everyday, or monthly thing because that's taking things out of proportion. In addition to that, it wouldn't be as exciting as it is if people start to take this tradition out of proportion. In Washington DC, metro riders meet up at L'Enfant Plaza and ride the metro with no pants. The mission really started as a prank with a couple of people but now it is a day that happens every January.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Information Neighborhoods

This is classified as news because it informed the public about what happened in their neighborhood. It also let them know what happened so that they could stay safe.

This is propaganda because it is advertising a diet pill that really doesn't work. It is a scam. People see this on TV and be quick to buy but, they really don't know it's a scam.

Justin Bieber is famous and has a lot of fans. If something happens to Justin Bieber bad or good, it will go viral. This piece of information is somehow bad, and it is known as publicity.

This piece of information is classified as raw information because this is a piece of information that could be characterized as many things such as entertainment, publicity, and etc. This is just a situation that is known or popular, that's why I chose it as ray information.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Superbowl Ads

Toyota Ad 2014 in the Superbowl.
This ad was placed in the Superbowl to persuade people who drive or don't , to come buy a Toyota. The audience are those who drive or may want to drive. I can tell that was audience because the ad was about a car, and it target those who drive or want to drive. The rhetorical device that is being used is Ethos. In the ad they used a person who is known. Chris Brown also known as an actor was the person who was used in the commercial. Using him made the ad effective. What made the ad effective is the way that they portrayed fun. Their message is basically saying that driving in a Toyota, you would have a lot of fun. Based on the ad that was presented, I would go buy a Toyota if I could or persuade others to. The commercial made it seem like driving Toyota's is fun. They also use play animals to catch the audience's attention.

Radio Shack Ad 2014 Superbowl
This commercial was about a new radio shack versus the old one. This ad was placed into the Superbowl to show people and persuade them to come in and shop at the new Radio Shack because it has changed. The audience are those who are previous shoppers at Radio Shack and those who aren't familiar with Radio Shack, so that they could come and shop. I can tell that those people are the audience because Radio Shack is a place that sell electronics and everyone buys phone, computers, radio and etc. Knowing the audience matters because it shows who the company wants tot target and the message they are trying to convey. The rhetorical device that the ad uses is Ethos. The ad have a couple of famous people in it acting as if they were movers. Basically, moving the old Radio Shack out, and allowing the new to move the new in. The visual element they use are people in the 80's, dressed as 80's people and compares them to the old Radio Shack. I like how they made that comparison. After watching the commercial ad, I would definitely go to the new Radio Shack.

Cheerio Ad Superbowl 2014
The Cheerio ad consisted of a daughter, mother and father. They portrayed the perfect family. The way a family suppose to be.  This ad shows how cheerio's can be use to tell your kids those things that are hard to explain or just come out and say. The cheerio's also symbolize love. The ad also shows how it's easier to break down those things that are hard to say to your children with using something that they could relate to like cheerios. The audience are children and parents. I know that they're the audience because those were the main people in the commercial. Pathos and Ethos were the rhetorical devices used in the ad. It plays music that make you actually feel like you were in those characters shoes. They also used famous person known as the dad in the ad. Seeing that ad made me want to use cheerio's to interact and converse with my nephews, and nieces. It also made me want some cheerio's because they are love. I loved the ad because it showed that bond that parents and children should have with one another.