Common Core State Standards For College and Career Readiness.
1. demonstrate independence.
2. They build strong content knowledge.
3. They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.
4. They comprehend as well as critique.
Demonstrating independence means that the student is able to think on their own and make their own decisions. Whether the decisions are good or bad, that's the point of being independent. Learning and making decisions in life that best fit that student. for a college student to be independent, they have to have a mind of their own and be a leader. In college, there is no teacher like we have in elementary school to hold our hand and be on our backs 24/7. College students are considered adults and have to learn how to lead for themselves and take care of themselves. You can't just depend on one, you have to go out and get it on your own. I have learned to be independent in my household and school community. At hoe I earn extra money by doing hair. That money goes towards things needed in the household or for myself. For example, paying my own cell phone bill.
Building content knowledge means that the student is able to connect prior knowledge to what they are learning now. Building content knowledge also allows the student to think outside of the box. No student is required to think inside of box. They build content knowledge on things they've seen, heard or experienced before and currently. One time in Pre-Calculus we were doing a math problem and I had to use a concept that I learned in my 10th grade year in order to solve the problem. This is an example of building content knowledge.
Students in college respond to the varying demands of audience by listening and actually taking in what is being told. They respond to different task and have to be able to complete the tasks. Every college students has a purpose on the campus that they eventually will fulfill by the time they graduate. Discipline plays a big role while in college. one has to follow rules as long as they live. Discipline also helps to mature one. While in high school i conquered many tasks and was able to adapt to other people personalities. Those same people I've learned to adapt to are some of my closest friends.
They comprehend as well as critique is about the students being able to understand work that is presented to them. They also have to show that they understand it through sometimes writing essays. In my AP-English class, I had to choose a theme to discuss and persuade the teacher to approve of it. To do so, I had to lots of research in the theme and understand it enough to persuade the teacher to approve of it. Sometimes in order to understand things you have to do research and ask questions.
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